Atari 2600 VCS Console

1977 Atari Inc. / Models CX-2600, CX-2600A

Atari’s first programmable video game console. There are two versions of the 2600 in the collection: the original “heavy-sixer” (due to it’s thicker internal metal RF shield) and the lighter six-switch model.  Both are model CX-2600. Designed by Jay Miner, Steve Mayer, Ron Milner, and Joe Decuir. 1977 Atari Inc.


Have You Played Atari Today?

What’s not to like about this iconic videogame console from the late 1970’s? With it’s primitive blocky graphics, simple gameplay, and single-button joystick, it introduced the world – including a ten year-old me – to videogames and established a multi-billion dollar industry still thriving today. Have you played Atari today?

Tips & Trivia

While the Atari 2600 popularized the use of removable game cartridges, it was not the first home console to do so.  That honor belongs to the Fairchild Channel F.



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